Concept Indicators of vertices by document

ConceptIndicIndiv(project, min.weight = 1, weighted.icm = FALSE)



A QDA project, a list as generated by the ProjectCMap function.


A integer that will determine the minimum (>=) weight of relationships that will be taken into account. Relationships with a lower weight (<) will not be shown. Default is set to 1 (i.e. all relationships are shown).


A boolean. If FALSE, the weight of the relationships in the ICM will be fixed to 1.


A data frame of Concept Indicators by document (ICM)


Concept Indicators of vertices by document


project_name <- "a_new_project"
main_path <- paste0(system.file("testdata", package = "cogmapr"), '/')
my.project <- ProjectCMap(main_path, project_name)

#> Joining, by = c("doc_id", "name", "num")
#>    doc_id      name num indegree outdegree centrality
#> 1       1 Concept B   2        2         0          2
#> 2       1 Concept C   3        1         1          2
#> 3       2 Concept B   2        1         0          1
#> 4       2 Concept C   3        1         0          1
#> 5       2 Concept D   4        1         0          1
#> 6       3 Concept B   2        1         0          1
#> 7       3 Concept C   3        1         0          1
#> 8       3 Concept D   4        1         0          1
#> 9       4 Concept B   2        1         1          2
#> 10      4 Concept D   4        2         0          2
#> 11      1 Concept A   1        0         2          2
#> 12      2 Concept A   1        0         3          3
#> 13      3 Concept A   1        0         3          3
#> 14      4 Concept A   1        0         1          1
#> 15      4 Concept C   3        0         1          1