Extract the quotes of a project linked to selected relationships

df.quotes.scm.edge(project, units, selected.edge)



A QDA project, a list as generated by the ProjectCMap function.


A string vector giving the names of the units (i.e. classes linked to documents) that will be include in the SCM. It is a second type of filter.


A vector of character value(s), the names of one or many relationship(s) of the map


A data frame of relationships and quotes


Extract the quotes of a project linked to selected relationships. Units is a mandatory parameter as this function was initially developed for given the quotes linked to significantly different relationships between groups of documents (i.e. units).


project_name <- "a_new_project"
main_path <- paste0(system.file("testdata", package = "cogmapr"), '/')
my.project <- ProjectCMap(main_path, project_name)

df.quotes.scm.edge(my.project, "Belgium", "1~2")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   coding_id edge  concept_from_name concept_to_name Belgium                     
#>       <int> <chr> <fct>             <fct>           <chr>                       
#> 1         1 1~2   Concept A         Concept B       "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
#> 2        12 1~2   Concept A         Concept B       "Aenean at sodales augue. P…
#> 3        13 1~2   Concept A         Concept B       " Praesent neque lorem, tri…
#> 4        15 1~2   Concept A         Concept B       "ass aptent taciti sociosqu…
#> 5        16 1~2   Concept A         Concept B       "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…